Direct Tax

Optimising taxation of your International commodity trading activities requires extensive experience, expertise, and in-depth knowledge.

COMMODITY TRADING ADVISORY experts will guide you in setting-up your ideal structure in order to fulfill local and international regulatory requirements, while simultaneously minimising your taxation across your various entities.

Our specialists will assist you to satisfactorily report your financial figures by taking full advantage of all applicable solutions in order to reduce your global tax impact.

We will provide you with a tailor made service which will be in alignment with your business activities and final objectives.

Our extensive experience in supporting international trading activities is an exceptional asset for developing your company with a superior organizational set-up.

Indirect Tax

Your international trading activities will expose your company to a wide range of global tax regulations. International taxation is complex and covers a wide range of issues such as Customs duties, Excise taxes, and Transfer Pricing Regulations.

In addition, inadequate training and capacity of staff is also very common, since it takes about four years to develop adequate understanding of international taxation matters.

Mastering these complex tax regulations requires prior hands on experience and knowledge of different regulatory regimes that are currently operating around the world.

Lack of preparation to administer and manage your taxes could result in significant civil and/or criminal penalties as well as delayed or blocked shipments.

Increasing trade protectionism across the globe will impact certain products that maybe subject to strict Commercial policy of various governments. Since Commercial policy is part a country's economic policy, therefore new trade policies may impact import and/or export licensing, antidumping issues and applicable trade sanctions.

Thanks to the expertise of our tax professionals and our extensive network of specialists, COMMODITY TRADING ADVISORY will assist you to execute the most accurate, comprehensive and optimized tax reports in a timely manner.

Our specialists will also help you to take advantage of any preferential or Free trade agreements between various countries that will in turn enable you to structure your trades properly and to help you to reduce the impact of various taxes on your operations

We will provide you with professional advice so you can plan your operations to properly administer your customs and excise taxes while avoiding unnecessary risks and extra costs.

The avoidance of taxes is the only intellectual pursuit that still carries any reward.

John Maynard Keynes