Trading Contracts & Trade Finance Expert



Robert (Bob) Piller is a trade and commodity finance professional with more than 30 years of experience including structured trade finance, credit and country risk management, financing working capital as well as training and teaching. He has worked with a number of entities such as AIG Trade and Political Risk, Vitol and Cargill. He has consulted numerous banks as well as trading companies on structuring Trade Credit and Political Risk Insurance in order to maximize the mitigation of country, credit and counterparty risks related to trade finance transactions.

Bob has also conducted professional training in Singapore, London, Geneva, Hong Kong, Kuala Lumpur and Nairobi. His courses featuring commodity-based legal cases in order to attain in-depth sophistication and a high level of professional relevance have been well received by industry participants. 

Since 2010 Bob has been responsible for the bachelor-level courses in Commodity Trading and Trade and Commodity Finance at the Haute Ecole de Gestion de Genève (HEG). Almost 200 graduates of this program have received job offers within the commodity trading, finance, and shipping sector.

Bob holds a BA (University of Notre Dame, Indiana, USA) and an MBA (University of Virginia).